FONT: Rianelli, 2012
Unimos nossos Coracoes em Prece ao Pai:
pedimos pela Humanidade...
pelos Irmaos ainda perdidos no mundo de Maia-Ilusao-...
pelos Prepotentes,
pelos Frustrados,
pelos Chorosos tocados por severos Dramas Familiares,
pelos Tristes e Deprimidos,
pelos que vivem ao relento, na Rua, sob a chuva e o frio,
pelos que ainda nao possuem um lugar a que chame de Lar,
pelos Inconformados de toda sorte,
pelos Enfermos do Corpo e do Espirito,
pedimos por aqueles a quem a Doenca chega para Educar a Pessoa,
pedimos que a Misericordia do Pai cubra a multidao
FONTE: Globo, 2012
e que nos Ensine a cada Dia,
a sermos melhores do que fomos no Dia anterior,
e nos melhoremos cada vez mais com a Sua Protecao e Orientacao...
FONT: Picasa, 2012
We unite our Hearts in Prayer to GOD, our Holy Father:
we pray for Human kind...
to our Earthly Brothers who are still lost in the world of -Maya / Illusion-...
to help the arrogant,
to help the Frustrated beings,
to soothe the tears of the ones touched by severe Dramas in their Families,
to help the Sad and Depressed,
to support those who live out in the open, Homeless people, who stand in the rain and cold,
to help those who do not have a place to call Home yet,
to help the ones unsatisfied by all sorts,
to help the ones who are Sick in their Bodies and in their Souls,
to help those to whom Illness comes to Educate the person,
we ask GOD to cover these crowd`s pains with His Mercy,
we ask GOD to both Inspire and Teach us each and every day,
for us to be a Better Person than the previous day,
and may we improve increasingly with His guidance and Protective...